
Showing posts from October, 2017

Who am I?

I just finished the book "The Outsiders". It was a great stand alone novel about a poor boy, Ponyboy, and his life. His parents died when he was young and he now lives with his two loving brothers. Bother are older than him, Sodapop is 17 and is like a best friend to him. Darry is also one of his brothers. He is the oldest and he is very responsible. I think that I am mostly like Darry. I am the oldest of 3 siblings, and just like Darry I help them out in what ever way that I can.

My Favorite Book Series

What was your favorite book? Is it part of a series? Do you like to read single books or books that are apart of a series. Personally I love books from a series, because they create a larger story. The Characters of a series are much more evolved than characters of a single book because their is a lot more reason and space to talk about the character. The story line is also more detailed and much larger. Also most series put everything that happen in previous book the the final book which makes it extremely interesting to read. My favorite series is the "Micheal Vey" series. I am still wait for the final book to come out. Of course I still like some single books, I highly recommend the book "Nightfall" It's a great book for all sorts of readers.  

My Future

When you ask most people about their future they will say that they are going to be a billionaire. Of course I want this ,but I in the "rare situation" that this does not happen I have a backup plan. I am already learning how to code several languages and I really like it. I am sure I will become some sort of a software engineer. I will away form Illinois  to find work. I want to have a family and live in the suburbs after a while.

My Identity

 My name is Philip. I go to Golf Middle school, and I'm in 8th grade. I like to read and play basketball in my free time. I play in some leagues and I also play with my brother. If I am ever boared the first thing that I always do is read I book. I love to read. My family and freinds are very important to me. They are what make me, me.

A Toy From Our Childhood

      Did you ever have a toy that you were obsessed with? I did, it was a fishing game, and I loved it. Many of us have had toys that we can not live without, but it may suprise you that their are some kids who grew up without any toys at all. My Mom grew up in India and she did not really have much to play with, but that did not stop her from having fun. She lived very close to family and she had alot of cousins, and I mean alot. They would always visit and play together. My Mom had a big backyard which they used as farmland. They all played their having so much more fun than any toy could ever possibly bring. Her childhood really shows that we don't need all sorts of extravagant toys to have fun. We can all have fun by spending some time with family and friends