What Am I Grateful For?

As Thanksgiving slowly approaches, I'm sitting here on my bed thinking, about a question that most people really only think about once a year. What am I grateful for? We all have something to be grateful for, no matter how horrible you think things are. The fact that you are able to read this blog means you have a electrionic decive that can connect to the internet. Many poeple don't even have that. I thought of making a list of things that I'm grateful for, so that some of you may relize what you have, and how lucky you are to have it.

  1. I am grateful for my family, for allways being there for me and supporting me.  
  2. I am gratefull for my health, to be able to run and eat all sorts of food.
  3. I am gratefull for, my teachers, who teach me not only the subject but also how to live life.
  4. I am gratefull for, my home, a place that I can always come to.
  5. I am gratefull for books, a source of knowledge and entertainment.
  6.  I am gratefull for the food I get, to nourish me 
  7. I am grateful for my friends, who will always have my back
  8. I am grateful for the technolagy that exist, to help all of us in ways that people could not emagine before.

Those are just a few things that I am grateful for. I hope this blog has helped you relize that you have many things to be grateful for, and has inspierd you to give back.


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