There was something not right about the window.

            There was something not right about the window. I knew this was a bad idea, going out into out into the woods to camp during a rainy weekend, but Yu dragged me along. Now we were in in our cabin, in a defensive position, waiting for what ever was outside to reveal itself. This all started Friday after school. My friends and I were planning to go camping up in Northern Canada, but the weather forecast showed that there would be heavy rain. "I really don't think we should go", "It will be raining too hard for us to do anything" I said. "It will be fine" Yu said. And Chris agreed. "We won't let the rain stop us from doing what we want." said Chris. " We are all going, tomorrow, period" Yu declared. "Fine" I muttered.The next morning I waited outside my doors, carrying all my things in one small bag, waiting for Yu to come pick me up. After waiting for 20 minutes passed the scheduled time, he finally showed up. "Where were you?" I yelled angrily. "I was stocking up" Yu muttered. "See look at the sky, its clear blue", "Told you" Yu pointed out. "We'll see once we get into Canada" I said.
           We were in the car for 4 hours strait." I need to go to the bathroom" complained Chris for the tenth time. "Just wait a little longer. I'm not sure where we are." Yu replied. " You got us lost!" I screamed "I know what I'm doing" Yu snapped
" Can't we ask for directions, I really got to go" Chris whined. "Look around you, does it look like there is anybody to ask" Yu exclaims. We were surrounded by trees; no signs of civilization in site, except for the cracked roads that we were driving on. "Stop the car" " I need to go now" Chris ordered "Yea I could stretch my legs" I said "Fine. But its getting dark so hurry up" Yu said. Chris headed out into the woods. " So you do have any idea where we are?" I asked " I think we are in-"  "AHHHHHH" " What was that!?" I scream "RUN RUN RUN" Chris screamed running out of the woods. My first instant was to get in the car, but Chris just kept running past the car, so Yu and I followed. We ran as fast as we could. I had never seen Chris run so fast, but I didn't waste my breath asking why.
             We came to a river where Chris jumped right in. Yu and I followed. After we crossed Chris didn't stop and neither did Yu or me. We ran until we saw a cabin. Without thinking Chris broke open the door. We ran into the cabin following Chris. Then he closed the door behind us, secured it with the little furniture that there was in the dirty cabin, then went on the securing the windows with whatever he could find. Yu and I watched together in silence. Once Chris finished he looked at us; his face very pale. Slowly he whispered "Be very quiet" " What happened" I asked nervously  " I saw something" he replied. "Well what was it?" Yu asked impatiently "I saw some sort of creature feeding on a body. But it wasn't any normal animal. It looked like it was made just for killing. Then it turned at looked at me with it's beady eyes. It made a soft noise and more heads just like this ones came up out of the bushes, and looked at me. I ran immediately". Yu and I were speechless. " We Need to call somebody" Chris said "We don't have cell service out here" Yu replied " Well we need a way to inform somebody that we are trapped in a cabin in the middle of the woods with some crazy animals outside" Chris snapped. "If we have no way to get help from here, then we need to go out of the cabin" I suggested " No, not with those things out there." Chris said. "Then we will stay in here and wait for help to come to us." Yu said "Our familys know that we went camping and when they realize we hadn't made our destination they will send out a search party; they will find our car that will lead them to us." Yu proclaimed "OK we will stay here and wait" Chris agreed
           While we waited we resecured the door and all the windows. We also found food. The cabin had a small collection of canned food. Night was approaching and soon it would be pitch black. There were flashlights in the cabin, but we didn't dare turn them on in fear of the creatures seeing us. So we sat there in the dark in complete silence, waiting. Suddenly there was a bang on the window. "What was that"  Yu whispered. "Don't worry, we secured all the entry points as well as we could" Chris replied. Then suddenly there were many more hits just like the first one. Some of the things fell of the the wall.
The entire house started to rumble. All the walls shook. "They're going to get inside" Yu cried. Then suddenly silence. Confused we stood up. The door busted open. A team of men rushed in and said " Follow us if you want to live.". They escorted us to a white van. We jumped in after them. They closed the doors and the van jerked forward. We drove at very fast and got to our destination within minutes. They swiftly took us inside a small building. We were escorted to a room. The three of us sat there silent. We had dirt all over our body and we were wet from the river. A tall man came in, " Hello My name is Dr. Jason Cain" "You three are sitting in one of the off site of the GMTA" The man said "What's the GMTA" I asked. " Genetic Modification Testing Agency" Dr. Cain answered " What does that mean" Chris asked nervously "Most of our work is classified, but what I can tell you is that we take an animal and by manipulating its DNA we cross it with another animal. We choose what traits get passed into the offspring." Dr. Cain went on. "So the the things that were attacking us was your creation" Yu asked "Yes" The man answered "We were tracking that for a while until you guys startled them. We lost them there." WE STARTLED THEM, WE ALMOST DIED AND YOUR TRYING TO BLAME THIS ON US" I screamed. " I need you to remain calm. We have captured all of them, but here is one problem." He said "We can't let you leave here. This is a secret agency and you three have accidentally discovered it" He said "These men will escort you to a room until we find a more permanent solution." He said "Follow my lead" Yu wisphered " We were sent out into these woods by National Geographic to take pictures of the land and report on the wildlife. If they find out that we are missing they will sent in a search party looking for us. You don't what a search party looking around these woods do you?" WOW what a lie. This could be our last hope at ever getting home. " I suggest you let us go. We will tell them that it was too rainy to take pictues. We will not speak about our time here. Do we have a deal? Dr. Cain swore under his breath "Fine we will let you out if you sign an oath to never speak of your time here." "Deal!" We said in unison.

Hope you guys enjoyed my short story.


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