Endings And Beginnings

     I'm sitting at my desk thinking, as the last weeks of middle school pass by, what do I was to accomplish before I leave. There are so many things that I could do but something that will stick around are the grades that I get this quarter. I really want to get all As this quarter. I also want to do well on my finals. I still remember sitting in a classroom on the first day of seventh grade learn things that I never thought would be useful, but now nearly two years later, I'm being tested on all of it. I also really want to have a great time at Camp Maclean. I've been looking forward to this trip since the bus ride back from Camp Maclean in seventh grade.
      "Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory"- Dr Seuss. I never realized how amazing it is to be able to see my friends every day. Now that I'm going to High School I won't be seeing then as often. My goal over the summer is to not lose my friendships and to stay connected. Another problem for me is that very summer I don't really use my time very wisely. I'm sure many of you can relate. This summer I want to get many things done. I want this summer to be productive. Now these are some of the things that really want to accomplish before starting High School. I hope you also are able to accomplish your goals.


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