
Showing posts from 2018

Graduation Speech

Dear, Teachers, Parents, Staff, and the Class of 2018. My past few years here at Golf Middle School have been marvelous, and I want to thank the teachers, for knowing every single one of us so well; I want to thank my parents, for being their every step of the way; I also want to thank my peers for being by my side for these past 4 years. Without them I would not be the same person that I am today. A long time ago I heard of a quote by a great man, Dr. Seuss, “ Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.”  I didn’t think much of it then, but now standing here, know that my time at Golf is coming to an end, I can finally understand. I’ve spent years at Golf preparing to go on to high school and I didn’t see the true value of this outstanding school. And this is my message to all future graduates. Enjoy your time at Golf Middle School, and make the best of it. Thank you.

Endings And Beginnings

     I'm sitting at my desk thinking, as the last weeks of middle school pass by, what do I was to accomplish before I leave. There are so many things that I could do but something that will stick around are the grades that I get this quarter. I really want to get all As this quarter. I also want to do well on my finals. I still remember sitting in a classroom on the first day of seventh grade learn things that I never thought would be useful, but now nearly two years later, I'm being tested on all of it. I also really want to have a great time at Camp Maclean. I've been looking forward to this trip since the bus ride back from Camp Maclean in seventh grade.       "Sometimes you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory"- Dr Seuss. I never realized how amazing it is to be able to see my friends every day. Now that I'm going to High School I won't be seeing then as often. My goal over the summer is to not lose my friendships and to stay c

The Cheesecake Factory

     I don't know about you but I love to eat. I like to try new foods and let my taste buds explore. I'm not much of a chef and I can't really make anything impressive, but I know some places that can. My favorite restaurant is The Cheesecake Factory. They have amazing food, and great service. I have been to The Cheesecake Factory a few times and every time was better than the last.       As soon as we arrive we try to get in line as fast as possible. We get a small device that will magically tell you when there is an open table. While we wait, my siblings and I wander over to where all the cheesecakes are. We take our time to choose which ones we are going to order. This is always the most difficult part of the trip; choose which cheesecake because they all look so good. By the time we choose our table is ready. We follow an employee to our table and sit, waiting.       After a while our menus are brought to us and as my dad looks through the main dishes, the rest o

How To Prepare For The Most Important Tests That Will Determine The Rest Of Your Life.

I have a HUGE test coming up. Most people would be scared, but luckily I know exactly how to prepare. If you want to learn my foolproof methods then it is essential for you to completely forget everything that you have been taught to do before a test. Now since you have done that we can start. Study as little as possible All the information needed to pass this test was most likely said in class, so that means that it is somewhere in your brain. Now we just need to get your brain working so hard that you can remember the information for the test. Don't exercise  Exercise uses up energy. We need that energy to do well on this test. You should be doing the opposite of exercise to conserve the energy that you have and save it for the test. Don't eat any breakfast instead eat all the sugar you can When food is eaten your body has to break it down. This is work for the digestive system. It gets the digestive system muscles working therefore it is exercise which we now a
“We must live, and when this is all over, we must work to make the world a better place. And if we die, we will die knowing that it was not our fault, that we did our best, and we can go to our deaths in dignity… I want you both to live…And to remember...You must choose love. Always choose love.” (from Daniel’s Story by Carol Matas, page 70) I read this quote in book that I recently read and it reminded me of a great man in Indian history, Gandhi. If you didn't already know, Gandhi was an Indian activist, but unlike most activist Gandhi did everything through peace and love. His goal was to get India's independence from Great Britain. He told many amazing speeches and lead non-violent protests. He also fasted many times as a non-violent  weapons. His brave and peaceful deeds got India its independence, and has  inspire many people today to choose more peaceful path.

Some Brave Souls

2/24/2018 Dear Diary,                   I recently saw a very sad documentary about children from the Holocaust, "I'm Still Here." It talked about the daily changes that children from that time period had to go through told through the diaries written by many of the children who lived through it. I was shocked at how cruel the Nazis treated children. They placed all Jews into ghettos. If they didn't work they would be deported to certain death. Many people died from starvation and disease. Children were treated no different than adults when it came to work, but children were much more likely to be deported to the death camps because they generally would not work as well as adults. I think that this documentary will have have a big effect on people. It will make them realize how hard it was for these children.

What Would Your Perfect Home Be Like.

Imagine that one night at the dinner table you were told that you were moving. You would be moving far from the place that you grew up in, away from all your friends and away from your beloved home. Most of us be heartbroken at the though of leaving behind everything that you knew and loved. Then your parents told you that they got to design the new house. Now what would you say? Probably still mad right? But after thinking about it, I think that you would realize that you had no choice in the decision that you were moving, and maybe try you would even to accept it. Now you get to help design your house. What would you want in your house? What kind of luxuries would you want in your own room? It is a good question to always be thinking about; just in your randomly told that your moving.

Pictures From My Life

Today I'm Going to show you some pictures of this that are very important to me. A few years ago along with my family, I went to Starved Rock. We saw many beautiful waterfalls and some amazing rock formations. All of those things were great, but my favorite part was that I got to spend and entire weekend with my family. Sometimes I feel very stressed or EXTREMELY bored. I find that the best remedy for this is to play or listen to some music. I believe that everyone has an inner musician, because of the many different types of music. For me its the Guitar.

My Life In As Soundtrack

Today I'm going to show to you guys, some music that I think that expresses my life, Hope you enjoy.            Do you ever feel like you just made a huge mistake, and regret it? I wish that I could go back in time whenever I wanted. I have made some mistakes that I wish I could change.The song,  Yesterday  talks a lot about wanting to go back to a happier better, more peaceful time.           Sometimes  things aren't going so well. It seems as if the entire world is against you, but not matter the circumstances the song,  Happy will always make you feel better. This song will enlighten anybody's mood, and it's helped me out on several occasions.         Their are many times in life were I feel like I lose everything. I feel like giving up, but I know that if I can keep going I will accomplish what I have set my mind to. The song  Stitches , shows that you can keep going on, and recover from anything.          Somethings I know that their is going to be a big c

There was something not right about the window.

            There was something not right about the window. I knew this was a bad idea, going out into out into the woods to camp during a rainy weekend, but Yu dragged me along. Now we were in in our cabin, in a defensive position, waiting for what ever was outside to reveal itself. This all started Friday after school. My friends and I were planning to go camping up in Northern Canada, but the weather forecast showed that there would be heavy rain. "I really don't think we should go", "It will be raining too hard for us to do anything" I said. "It will be fine" Yu said. And Chris agreed. "We won't let the rain stop us from doing what we want." said Chris. " We are all going, tomorrow, period" Yu declared. "Fine" I muttered.The next morning I waited outside my doors, carrying all my things in one small bag, waiting for Yu to come pick me up. After waiting for 20 minutes passed the scheduled time, he finally showed up.

New Year Traditons Around The U.S

New year just passed. Many cities celebrated New year in different ways; all of them wonderful. Today I'm going to tell you about some of the New year traditions around the US. New York  New York's Ball Drop is one of the most famous ones in America. Many people come to see it from far away. It is an amazing sight to see. I personally watched it live all the way in Illinois. It is a HUGE colorful ball on the top of an skyscraper. At ten seconds to midnight The ball starts to drop. It is a spectacular sight to see.  Los Angeles In Grand Park LA, right in front of City Hall they have a glorious party. Everybody is having soo much fun listening to the live music and having fun with all the 2018 decorations. At Midnight they light up the sky with fireworks. Chicago In Chicago the entire city is full of lights. The streets are light up and they look absolutely beautiful. Chicago has just like New York's ball drop; Rising star.